Happy New Year from FSO

Is it not ironic how you bump into people from your past? Friend’s you haven’t seen or heard from in years, a season of life that brought you together and then you parted. The other day while out Christmas shopping, I bumped into an old friend I knew from my “survival” days. We had not seen or spoken in many years because our paths had taken different forks in the road but praise God our journeys lead us to Jesus Christ. We briefly chatted as we recalled who we once were and the transformation Christ has done in our lives. Then I asked about his Christmas and plans for the New Year unprepared for his answer. He would be standing outside the prison as he had every year since being released along with other felons who had called this prison home shouting words of encouragement and singing praise songs.
 In spite of the cold they wanted to create a warm atmosphere of support and companionship offering hope that only comes from a relationship with Christ.
I was truly touched, my eyes filled with tears of admiration and my heart rejoiced as a surge of emotions and hope blossomed inside of me….we can see the world as cold but sensitive souls still exist, hearts filled with love because Christ first loved us.
Suddenly I could not help but think of my girls, no not my biological daughters but those precious souls forced to work because with every big occasion like New Year Eve the demand for children is higher than average. While it’s too late to plan an outreach I am asking all of you to join me by keeping your eyes peeled as we welcome in 2013.
Remember the bulk of those rescued come from the quiet observation of someone noticing something out of the ordinary and making the call. This New Year’s lets watch for more than just the ball drop. If you notice any  signs of human trafficking please contact the National Human Trafficking hotline at 1-888-373-7888 or for a list of red flags go onto our website as www.forhesakeofone.org
Have a safe and blessed New Year – We survived 2012 lets help other’s do the same
Thank you & God Bless,
Melissa Kay Woodward

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